This page offers guidance on growing into the LSN Lead Volunteer role.
- Understand the LSN mission and brand identity.
- LSN Flyer.
- Know the fit between Life Solutions Network and the Greater Cincinnati Mentor Leadership Alliance.
- Familiarize yourself with existing LSN documentation on the LSN web site and SharePoint.
- Review LSN Customer Management processes.
- Operating Model.
- Customer acquisition.
- Customer support.
- Get to know LSN and GCMLA.
- Toolbox. Identify key tools of interest and applicability.
- Masterplan.
- Dashboard (soon).
- Charter.
- Join Tony Aloise in various Customer meetings:
- Meet with Mentor Program Leader and/or Executive Director.
- GC Mentor Leadership Alliance Core Team.
- Create a personal portfolio of key documents.
- Create the key message bullet points for each key document.
- Determine what will cause you to serve to your “purpose, passion and potential”.
- What are your unique talents, skills and interests?
- Align on roles and expectations with Tony.
- Discuss support needs: business cards, Office 365/LSN e-mail, use of LSN office.