The Volunteer Solutions toolbox is intended to share ideas and tools for individual volunteers and volunteer leaders.
Background: This toolbox resulted from the Volunteer NKY initiative from 2014-18. We worked with volunteer leaders from NKY to document various tools that have broad application to all non-profits. These ideas and tools are freely available to LSN Members. Just contact us.
Objective: The general goals are to:
- Find new volunteers (create new capacity in the community).
- Support and grow volunteers and service professionals (energized, purposeful, serving to potential).
- Identify and address organization requirements, e.g. remove barriers to accepting skilled volunteers.
Over time, we want to create a culture of sharing…people “deposit and borrow” from the toolbox.

Other Solutions Examples: The LSN toolbox already contains many items. Some of these “solutions” are not yet on-line; contact us for more information. Everything is freely available upon request to local non-profit organizations. Here is a partial list:
- Process documentation…process masterplanning, process design & improvement, training.
- Volunteer Vision…especially useful for Executive Directors.
- Best Practices…best practices framework, program planning.
- Volunteer development playbook…assessment tool for “fit, interview prep, development plan.
- Mentoring…of volunteers and volunteer leaders.
- Benchmarking…Kentucky Non-Profits Network (KNN), network synergy.
- Volunteer Leader “dashboard”…metrics, template and examples.
- Ambassadorship…process, training and support.
- Role descriptions…Volunteer Program Leader, Lead Volunteer.
- Process to link skilled volunteers.
- Organization-specific initiatives.
Other Discussion:
- The Cincinnati Association of Volunteer Administrators (CAVA) is highly recommended for volunteer professionals in NKY and Cincinnati. Please consider joining for professional development.