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Deeper Purpose Programming

LSN advocates for deeper Purpose programming.  This page outlines various ideas for organizations and individuals.

Purpose is a statement of “being”, not “doing”.  It is who we are stripped of image and ego.  Some say it is who we are in God.  Knowing our unique Purpose, and it’s related concepts like Vision and Values, is part of the process of “knowing ourselves deeply“.  It is a powerful life skill.

The work we do touches the lives of people at risk AND their mentors (AND your staff AND families).  Let’s develop goals to impact mentor’s lives too.  They too are in our care.  We have an opportunity to cultivate and grow many people.  Discovering our treasure (finding one’s purpose) is life changing.  This includes values, strengths, needs, beliefs and more.

The following model outlines a Purpose “Roadmap.  You will see 3 phases:  Know Yourself Deeply, Have a Life Plan and Live to Your Potential.  Each of the elements is associated with a skill or capability, e.g., knowing my values, defining my SMART goals or managing my energy.  These building blocks in total form your Life Plan.

Programming Options:  You can consider one or more of the following.

  • Encourage mentors to attend a Live with Purpose and/or Live to Your Potential event (watch our Event Calendar or schedule with Tony Aloise).
  • Train Mentors and Clients in Mentor for Purpose skills, either Mentoring 101 or any of the workshops (watch our Event Calendar or schedule with Tony Aloise).  Examples include Know Your Beliefs, Identifying Values and Write Your Purpose Statement.
  • Encourage clients to create Dreambooks.  Click here to read more about the Dreambook concept.
  • Invite mentors to like the Life Solutions Network Facebook page (which is focused on Living with Purpose).
  • Host a Purpose Statement-Writing workshop (monitor our Event Calendar or schedule with Tony Aloise).
  • Set an organizational goal for mentors and clients to develop a Purpose statement or commit to developing a personal Purpose statement.
  • Commit to reading a book on Purpose… click here.

Purpose Programming Assessment ToolThis tool starts by asking what you are already doing in this area.  It then builds on the Toolbox.